New installation technology offers advantages in the construction of running tracks

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REGUPOL sets the benchmark in sports floor construction

author: Lena Grosch

The sports floor manufacturer REGUPOL presents a completely new and innovative laying technology for running tracks. By eliminating an entire work step, the customer saves installation time and material. ­REGUPOL calls this innovation “4.0 technology”.

With the application of the new 4.0 technology, REGU­POL achieves the cost-saving elimination of a complete work step in the installation of its hybrid sandwich running track systems.

This track system consists of a prefabricated REGUPOL base mat, on which a high-quality wearing layer of poly­urethane and broadcast EPDM granules is applied on site. The special feature of this construction: The optimally adjusted sports-physical properties of the track are guaranteed at every spot of the track due to the ­factory fabrication of the base mat.

REGUPOL 4.0 Technologie - Sprint_athlete at starting block


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Original structure of REGUPOL hybrid sandwich flooring. The REGUPOL base mat is given a pore sealant.

Until now, indispensable during the construction of sandwich track systems of all types and all manufacturers: The sealing of the base layer in order to prevent the pen­etration of the self-levelling PUR wear layer during installation. Thanks to REGUPOL’s 4.0 technology, this step is no longer necessary. After bonding the REGUPOL base mat to the subbase, the liquid PUR wear layer is poured directly onto the base mat. Thanks to the special new installation technology, every gram of polyurethane remains on the surface and does not penetrate the base mat.

All sport-functional properties of the base mat, which are always identical due to the fabrication in our REGUPOL plants, remain unchanged.

Peter Breuer, Head of Sales for Sport Floors Internatio­nal at REGUPOL, summarizes the advantages of the 4.0 technology as follows: “For our customers all over the world, this installation technology represents a saving of three essential aspects: Material, installation time and costs. Installation and durability risks due to adverse weather conditions are also reduced significantly.”

For more than five decades, REGUPOL has been building running tracks and other sports floors for all areas of use and sports levels. REGUPOL was one of the first companies in the world to build running tracks from Germany all over the world and still does today. With the innovative installation technology 4.0 REGUPOL once again sets standards in the quality and function of sports floors.


With its novel 4.0 technology, the REGUPOL base mat can be coated directly with polyurethane without a pore sealant. This saves time, material and money.

World innovation in the field of sandwich running track systems

More about new 4.0 technology