In spring 2023, total contractor NUSSLI started work on building Europe's first eight-court sports hall in Monheim am Rhein. After less than a year of construction, those involved in the pioneering project celebrated the topping-out ceremony on 26 February 2024.
The ultra-modern eight-court sports hall is part of a comprehensive plan to redesign the Berliner Ring school centre. The construction method, which combines NUSSLI's expertise in temporary construction with prefabricated modular elements, allows the large-scale project to grow rapidly in height.
The rising walls and columns were completed in reinforced concrete before the end of 2023. Construction of the outbuilding was completed before Christmas, and work began on the basic structure for the sports hall roof in January 2024. And at the end of February, the last of the roof structure's trusses, which are up to 30 m long, were installed. This completed the construction of the almost 19-m-high structure. Now the interior work and the facade work will follow.
Short construction time
The rapid implementation of the construction project was an important aspect from the outset. After all, while the pupils are learning on the campus, construction is taking place next door. The construction phase had to be kept as short as possible to minimize disruption to ongoing school operations and traffic.
Well on schedule
In a challengingly short time of 18 months in total, the record-breaking hall is to be built from the ground-breaking ceremony to commissioning. With the topping-out ceremony, NUSSLI has achieved another target date within this ambitious schedule.

Photo: NÜSSLI / Tim Kögler