The design of a new meeting place offering physical activity can include many challenges. A project of this kind requires the cooperation of many participants from the most diverse areas - for example, politics, authorities, companies or interest groups. In order to turn the idea into an attractive, sustainable and meaningful offer for All, which also remains within the financial framework, Tverga has created a clear guideline. The proposed solution is divided into four phases (determine need - analyse need - concretise project - realise project). With the help of numerous practical examples, interviews, graphics and checklists, concrete solutions are presented, mostly in Norwegian. Even those who do not speak Norwegian will certainly receive a lot of helpful information by means of a translation programme.
IAKS member Tverga is the National Resource Center for Lifestyle Sports and Physical Activities in Norway. Established by the Norwegian Ministry of Culture in 2018, the non-profit organisation is headquartered in Oslo. An increasing number of people practise self-organised lifestyle activities such as parkour / tricking, mountain-biking, street basketball, skateboarding, surfing, and calisthenics. Tverga’s role is to recognise and help these groups to get access to more and better local venues. Through research based expertise, guidance and tools the organisation assists local governments, municipalities, volunteers and athletes in establishing more facilities geared towards these different kinds of modern lifestyle activities.