Using smart digitisation to promote activity, fitness and health
published in sb 6/2023
In the last few years, many urban and rural authorities and institutions have addressed the increasingly important issue of outdoor activities and sports for their residents and have often taken positive decisions in favour of funding and building new outdoor sports facilities. In their guest article, Thorsten Grießer and Alexander Blocher make the case for underpinning current and future decisions with robust data on usage frequency, occupancy rate, capacity utilisation and other parameters.
Authors: Thorsten Grießer, Alexander Blocher

Graphic: Planet-O
Simple and combined access to relevant information

Graphic: Planet-O
For the first time, users (B2B, B2C) can thus obtain simple and combined access to relevant information on infrastructure that is of high relevance to them. Decision-makers benefit from comparable and validated access to relevant infrastructure data for the development and expansion of suitable infrastructure. With appropriate integration, healthcare providers benefit from direct access to interested individuals and supplement digital solutions with the still very important personal and physical component: the "human being".
Over 250 existing outdoor fitness locations in the seven EU pilot regions have now been recorded in the project and far beyond. A five-star rating system provides rapid insight into the quality, location, safety and level of activity of a surveyed and rated outdoor exercise location. From now on, and all the more so going forward, it will be possible to visualise the comparability of outdoor locations on a new evaluation level.