Presentations and discussion with the panellists
Oct 26, 2023 from 10:30 – 12:00
28th IAKS Congress in Cologne, Germany
Planning a new city district offers huge opportunities, especially if active living is on top of the agenda. Why is an “active city” of value from a developer’s perspective?
Sports buildings are part of public social provision. First and foremost, they should cater for the local community. Which strategies can practitioners apply to guide and evaluate design criteria that define their projects?
And how to consider less physically active groups such as girls with immigrant background? What affects and what motivates them, and what barriers do they experience?
In a joint presentation, DIALOG Partner Marion LaRue and VIVO Chief Evolution Officer Cynthia Watson will give an insight on "The community well-being framework". Delegates will hear how to define project aspirations including inclusion, community health, access to recreation (social/ economic), social connectivity, governance, research, and innovation.
Moritz Vahldiek from IBA Hamburg will present "The Active City of Hamburg: Goals and master planning for the new “Oberbillwerder” neighbourhood.
What affects immigrant girls' activity levels and what kind of activities do they want to engage in? What motivates them and what barriers do they experience? What does research say and what do the girls say? These and many more questions will be answered by TVERGA Managing Director Lisa Mari Watson.
The session will be moderated by LOA fonden Development Consultant Ola Mattsson.
See speaker line-up
See programme agenda

Marion LaRue, Lisa Mari Watson, Ola Mattsson, Moritz Vahldiek, Cynthia Watson (clockwise, starting top left)
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