Planning for the first facilities known as “alla hopp!”, the Dietmar Hopp Foundation’s biggest funding scheme so far, got underway in autumn 2014. The 19th and final facility was opened exactly three years later. Each “alla hopp!” installation consists of three to four modules with a variety of exercise activities for all visitors.
The “alla hopp!” complexes in Speyer, Sinsheim, Bürstadt, Rülzheim and Deidesheim were all fitted with seamless safety flooring from BSW GmbH, well-known by the name of playfix. Each of these locations has characteristic elements, such as a generation carrousel, running tracks and trampolines that can be found on all the “alla hopp!” playgrounds. playfix is obviously the right choice here, as the seamless synthetic flooring is ideally suited to all of these elements in equal measure. The most important function is of course impact reduction, as this can prevent the worst happening in the event of a fall. And because these “alla hopp!” playgrounds are intended for both young AND old to meet and indulge in exercise and activity, this aspect is also relevant for elderly people with limited mobility. Thanks to its double-layer design, playfix offers protection from fall heights of up to
3 metres. The thickness of the base layer that provides this protection depends on the fall height that needs to be catered for. The 10 mm thick coloured surface, or wear layer, gives the flooring its attractive design. Both of these elastic granulate layers are mixed with a binder and installed on site.
A further benefit of playfix flooring is that it can be modelled to form hilly landscapes, for instance, which of course offer the same level of fall protection as the flat areas. This characteristic also allows the surface to be fitted precisely around all the equipment and provides seamless transitions at the edges.
BSW Berleburger Schaumstoffwerk GmbH