RJ Houston is the National Manager - Aquatics at Royal Life Saving Australia. He has an extensive background in leadership roles across local government, non-profits, aquatic facility management organisations and peak bodies, having started out in the industry as lifeguard and aquatic program instructor over 17 years ago. RJ’s work has focussed over time from centre management, group operations and organisational and industry-wide risk, quality, audit and safety management systems. Lately his work has focused on broader industry advocacy and cross-sectoral collaboration.
RJ’s role at Royal Life Saving focusses on advocating aquatics and bringing industry, community and government organisations together to develop joint strategies and guidance. He is the current author of both the Guidelines for Safe Pool Operations and the Guidelines for Inland Waterway Safety. He has studied and holds various qualifications in legal studies, policy, work health safety, risk management, emergency management, project management, incident investigation, lead auditing and business administration.