MOBILPARC® is the name of the innovative outdoor fitness trailer by PLAYPARC, which can be set up quickly at any location. The mobile solution for outdoor fitness and calisthenics convinces with its stable, robust construction and diverse training possibilities on 360° in all weathers. With the illustrated assembly instructions, a mobile outdoor fitness studio can be set up in a short time, where all muscle groups can be trained in the fresh air, under the open sky, at any location and at any time.
In courses and at events, depending on the equipment and sporting accessories, a MOBILPARC® offers up to 15 participants at the same time the opportunity to gain maximum training success. Hang-ups, muscle-ups, pull-ups, squats, jumps, handstands, push-ups, row-ups, wall-ball, battle rope, dips and much more can be trained around the MOBILPARC®. Even though it is usually only used for supervised training, an exercise manual shows the user the correct technique and execution method for many of these exercises in three difficulty levels.
For municipalities, sports associations, clubs and companies, the movable outdoor gym opens up many new opportunities for sports events and supervised courses (corporate health management, prevention courses, etc.). The equipment and size of the MOBILPARC® vary according to customer requirements. The model with two axles shown here is equipped according to the specifications and wishes of the Sportbund Paderborn (District Sports Association) and has already been used successfully for the "University Sports Day" on the university campus in Paderborn. We would also be pleased to realize your wishes regarding the training possibilities of your individual MOBILPARC®!

Photo: Thorsten Henning / KSB Paderborn