On 17 September, former project manager for the Ministry of Sport in France and IAKS member Dr François Vigneau gave an insight in the situation of sports and leisure facilities in France and the challenges which the industry is facing. According to him it is important to increase both the quality and quantity of sports and leisure facilities, and that they should better reflect regional differences and provide the sports and activities which are most wanted by the residents. He emphasised the importance of spaces having more than one use to meet the needs of all citizens rather than just single-use sports fields being utilised by a small group. Participants of the meeting found many similarities with the situation in Japan.
After this presentation, the participants discussed vividly the next steps for Japanese sports facilities. They should provide a greater variety of activities to meet the needs of all groups of all ages. Due to limited space in Japan, the multipurpose pitches presented by Dr Vigneau were considered as a good option.