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Green building and sustainable pools

How technology can contribute to building green sport and leisure facilities: three aquatic complexes that lead the way
Advert by IAKS member Myrtha Pools

The United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) draw attention to the impact that the construction industry has on air, water and global waste. In answer to the UNs challenge to find a more sustainable path, the industry has responded with the development of innovative materials, more efficient construction techniques, and renewable energy options.

An important consideration on any facility project that may include a swimming pool, is that through the application of smart, green processes and technology, a pool can have a positive effect on a building’s energy certification ratings and running costs, as emerged from the 2nd International IAKS Swimming Pool Conference after visiting Holmen Aquatics Centre with its solar roof garden and its Myrtha stainless steel pools.

Not only can the right pool technology reduce GHGs and water consumption, but through the use of durable materials, it will also deliver a long-life cycle avoiding costly (and environmentally unfriendly) repairs or replacement.

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photo: Tove Lauluten

Sustainable swimming pool?

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photo: Enric Duch

Many architects and planners perceive water spaces as problematic from the point of view of energy certifications. A large proportion of swimming pools in the market employ techniques that contribute to significant levels of pollution, in terms of both emissions and waste. But there is an option that can have a positive impact on your project’s energy rating – Myrtha Pools’ modular stainless-steel system brings sustainability to a project in many ways. According to a comparative analysis carried out by the technical firm Acor Consultants of Sydney, Myrtha technology reduces the CO2 emissions compared respectively to concrete pools (by up to 50%) and to welded steel pools (by up to 30%).

Myrtha helps to build green solutions, as shown by the comment of architect Anna Noguera: “ Thanks to Myrtha Pools, we have reduced construction waste and CO2 emissions in line with the philosophy of the Turó de la Peira project”, a sport centre opened in Barcelona in 2019 and awarded at the World Architecture Festival in 2019 and with the Sustainable Construction Grand Prize during the COP26 in Glasgow.

Green certification

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graphic: Myrtha Pools

A number of certification systems have emerged for the management, design and construction of sustainable buildings. These sustainability rating systems are real indicators of quality in construction. It is increasingly common that investors include a checklist of certification credits as compulsory factors for all players involved in a particular project.

The investor benefits include the fact that a sustainable project can both reduce operating costs and increase the value of the building. Myrtha Pools leads the way in sustainability in the swimming pool design and construction industry. Energy efficiency, water and raw material savings, long life cycle, indoor air quality, and low emissions are just some of the areas where Myrtha pools make a difference according to LEED, BREEAM and Green Star certifications.  An outstanding example is the new Bocconi REC Centre (LEED Platinum certified), designed by SANAA architects according to biocompatibility and eco-sustainability criteria to cut CO2 emissions and reduce the energy and water consumption, also thanks to Myrtha’s modular stainless steel panels.

Contact us

phone: +39 0376 94261

Head Quarter in Italy:

via Solferino 27, Castiglione delle Stiviere (MN), 46043

7 branches and 70 countries (distributors, representatives, consultants worldwide - Myrtha Pools). Throughout its 60-year history, Myrtha Pools has taken on a large number of challenges and has constructed and installed more than 300 public swimming pools per year.

FINA Partner since 2009, with 5 participations in the Olympics Games and 150 world records registered in a Myrtha pool, the company has become the benchmark for competition pools.