Green and Blue Building Award

On 8 November 2017, the Green & Blue Building Award was presented for the 6th time at the GBB Green & Blue Building Conference in Vienna. Among the winners of this prestigious prize of the Austrian property industry was Wiener Infrastruktur Projekt GmbH (WIP), which is acting as the client representing Vienna’s administrative department MA56 for the construction of the new replacement quarters for the Schule am Kinkplatz (school) in Toricelligasse 50. The replacement quarters had become necessary because of the urgent need for modernisation and evacuation of the Schule am Kinkplatz. The entire project from the production of the feasibility study through to occupancy of the school took only 22 months, with only 6 months for construction itself.

RAUMKUNST ZT GmbH was responsible for the feasibility study, design and approval planning for the school. The roughly 6,500 m² temporary school is prefabricated wooden structure which – hovering above the ground – can be fully dismantled and used up to five times. The room programme of the existing school was adopted and the opportunities for multiple room use were extended. The triple-court gymnasium of the Schule am Kinkplatz was replaced by a ball games hall and two specialised exercise rooms. Like the school, all parts of the sports halls can be fully dismantled and re-used. The sports flooring has been bonded to the screwed substructure with removable adhesive so that it can be re-used. The acceptance of the new, temporary school building by students and teachers is extremely high, not least because of its impeccable construction to structural standards equal to those of a permanent building.

Sportarchitektur Raumkunst ZT GmbH

Member News Raumkunst Sport halls

Image copyright: Fürnkranz