The next IAKS UK event will be held in Portsmouth at ‘Ravelin’, the new BREEAM outstanding sports facility for the University of Portsmouth on Thursday 15th June 2023
The event will focus on the importance of low carbon/low energy facilities in the design and development of sports and leisure facilities.
Topics covered will include the following:
- The use of Passivhaus in Leisure buildings
- The implications of Breeam Outstanding certification
- Assessment of the embodied carbon and implications of new "Part Z" of the UK building Regs
- Decarbonisation of existing buildings
- Application of the Circular Economy
Confirmed speakers include Nic Bryant, S&P and Steve Platt, Arup, the designers behind St Sidwells Point, the first Passivhaus leisure facility in the UK; and team members behind Ravelin itself, Irina Korneychuk, FaulknerBrowns Architects and Mark Palmer, Max Fordham, the first standalone BREEAM outstanding sports facility in the UK. Simon Sturgis from Targeting zero will give an update on embodied energy and upcoming regulatory changes.

What to expect at the IAKS UK spring event

The day will follow a similar format to previous IAKS UK events, with a mix of seminars and a building visit, to help develop our conversations around sustainability and low carbon design in sports and leisure facilities.
It is planned to host an informal drinks/meal gathering the night before. This is open to all but would be great to meet existing and potential new members.
Whilst the main seminar will kick off at 10:00am on Thursday 15th June, we plan to hold the first of two optional tours at 9:00 am on the morning of the seminar for the early birds. The second tour will take place around lunchtime.
This is a great opportunity to network and gain a better understanding of these critical issues affecting our Leisure sector.