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Klaus Meinel

Secretary General
Klaus Meinel
Secretary General

In 1997, Klaus joined the IAKS headquarters in Cologne as a scientific staff member and was appointed IAKS Managing Director in 2003. In 2015, Klaus became IAKS Secretary General.

Klaus holds a diploma in landscape architecture after having visited universities in Hanover (Germany) and Tours (France) from 1988 to 1995. From 1995 to 1997, he was a technical officer at the German Association of Landscape Architects in Bonn and Berlin.

Besides his general tasks for IAKS, Klaus is responsible for the programming of the biannual IAKS Congresses as well as for the IOC IPC IAKS Architecture Prizes.



Headquarter in Cologne, Germany
Headquarter in Cologne, Germany

International Association for Sports and Leisure Facilities (IAKS)

Eupener Str. 70

50933 Köln


Phone +49-(0)221 – 16 80 23 – 0

Fax +49-(0)221 – 16 80 23 – 23

E-mail: info@iaks.sport

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Silke Bardenheuer

Public relations and event management
Silke Bardenheuer
Public relations and event management

Silke joined IAKS in 2007 as executive assistant, after having started her professional career as management assistant in sales and HR departments.

Thanks to her multiple language skills, she has been responsible for IAKS membership services and for supporting the national or regional IAKS structures throughout the world. In 2015, Silke became responsible for the office’s operations and for the IAKS’s public relation activities. This includes online PR as well as editorial works for the “sb” magazine.

Silke’s tasks also include organizing international IAKS events like the IAKS Congress, international conferences and study trips.

Victoria Page

Victoria Page

Graphic design
Victoria Page
Graphic design

Since February 2023, Victoria Page has been supporting our IAKS team in the office at the headquarters in Cologne, Germany. The accomplished photographer puts all articles in the trade journal "sb" into an appealing layout and is also responsible for all other graphic work.

In her free time, she practices aikido and is passionate about Japan and its culture. Victoria speaks seven languages!

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Alexia Chrissanthopoulou

Office organization & administration, member support
Alexia Chrissanthopoulou
Office organization & administration, member support

Since June 2023 Alexia Chrissanthopoulou supports the IAKS team in Cologne Headquarter, in office organisation and member administration. Trained administrative assistant, she is responsible for secretarial and administrative tasks, as well as member support and project organisation. In addition, she takes care of the preparatory accounting.

In her free time, she loves to spend time with family and friends and is passionate about cooking and baking. She also speaks 3 languages and feels very connected to her second home, Greece.

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Max Rosenau

Marketing & Account Management
Max Rosenau
Marketing & Account Management

In January 2023, Max Rosenau started as a marketing and account manager at the IAKS in the Cologne office. As a contact person for all business partners, he supports and advises them in their marketing activities in our network, especially in relation to our magazine "sb" and as a partner of our numerous seminars and events.  

Max Rosenau studied in the bachelor's programme "Sports Management and Communication" at the German Sports University in Cologne. Away from work, he is interested in a variety of individual and team sports, is generally very keen on sports and played in a football club for a long time. He also enjoys travelling and feels at home in hip-hop music. 

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Felicia Astuni

Felicia Astuni

Felicia Astuni has been part of the IAKS team at the head office in Cologne since March 2024. As Manager B2B Marketing-Sales-Communications, she is responsible for the marketing and PR activities of IAKS International and acts as the contact person for business partners in the IAKS network. 

Felicia Astuni studied International Leisure Management at the NHTV University of Applied Sciences in Breda, Netherlands. Her work at IAKS International takes her back to her beginnings in Sports and Leisure Management, where she utilises her experience in Marketing and Communication Management. 

In addition to her work, Felicia Astuni enjoys singing and performing on various stages in and around Cologne.

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