Aquatic and recreation centre ARC in Cockburn
Brett McEwin, Warren Green and Mike McGrath
Swimming pools: a cultural asset with high public added value and a large economic footprint
Dr. Christian Kuhn, Prof. Dr. Klaus Kost and Wolfgang Hermle
Life-cycle assessment for swimming pools – the effect of the choice of materials
Professor Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gerdes
Gruebi outdoor swimming pool in Adelboden
akkurat bauatelier
Paracelsus pool and spa facility in Salzburg
Berger+Parkkinen Architekten
“Mohr Life” spa and wellness facility in Lermoos
noa* (network of architecture)
“Rulantica” aquatic world at Europa Park in Rust
pbr Planungsbüro Rohling
Indoor swimming pool in Werdohl
POS4 Architekten Generalplaner