WM Autopilot

News by IAKS member WM ice technics

Assistance systems are where it’s all at these days. So why not get in on the action and equip an ice resurfacing machine with a practical assistance system? Masters of innovation WM ice technics present the cutting-edge WM Autopilot, capable of carrying out end-to-end resurfacing completely on its own.

The machine is equipped with a positioning system which allows it to cover the whole ice rink on a predefined route and carry out full, driver-free resurfacing of the rink. And there’s no compromise on efficiency whatsoever – quite the reverse: WM Autopilot is fitted with ultra-precise driving cycles and is also capable of handling non-standard driving patterns such as complex cross-cutting procedures. This leads to considerably less overlap of the work surface and optimal levelling-out of grooves on the ice surface.

The WM Autopilot is a guarantee of accuracy in planning. The time required to resurface the ice can be calculated with pinpoint precision, and the ice is ready for use sooner. And above all, the ice resurfacing operator can use time that would otherwise be spent on routine ice preparation to get on with other tasks. 

The WM Autopilot is controlled by a mobile phone app which allows the operator to set all of the most important parameters such as blade depth or water application. These settings can be changed and fine-tuned at any time, even during resurfacing. The operator can select a variety of cleaning configurations, from a quick clean of the ice right through to classic resurfacing. The vehicle then starts to clean the ice independently, and the time remaining until job completion is shown on the display. The innovative Autopilot function is available for the WM Mammoth, WM evo2 and WM Shira ice resurfacers, and these WM models can also be retrofitted with the Autopilot system at any time.



Photo: WM

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