Sport England releases Social Value of Sport Report

Sport England has published a local breakdown of the annual social value of sport and physical activity, presenting the figures by region, active partnership and local authority.

To download the document, showing social value by local area

click here. 

Sport England commissioned a consortium of partners, brought together by social value experts State of Life, in partnership with leading sports economists from the Sport Industry Research Centre (SIRC) at Sheffield Hallam University, and the Institute of Sport at Manchester Metropolitan University, to develop an updated national model of social value for community sport and physical activity. 

To view a summary of the social value report by Sport England

click here. 

The report presents the findings from year one of this three-year study. It estimates that the total social value generated by community sport and physical activity in England was GBP 107.2 billion in 2022/23. This year one report also details how sport and physical activity adds a further GBP 10.5 billion of annual social value through the cost savings that improved health outcomes in adults creates for the state and society. However, whilst demonstrating the overall size of the social value contribution that sport and physical activity makes to the nation is vast, this new analysis also paints a more nuanced picture of how this social value is generated and distributed across the population. We see that the value of being active is greater for some groups – such as women, older, and disabled adults – but also that the benefits of physical activity are far from evenly spread because of the inequalities we see in participation.


Sport England CEO, Tim Hollingsworth, said: “We ask partners and organisations to use this updated model of social value to understand fully the impact that being active can have on the lives of individuals and communities and the delivery of public services. It is also a valuable tool for showcasing the true power of sport and physical activity and helping ensure that, through our collective efforts, we are unrelenting in our support for those people and communities that, despite often having most to gain, are least likely to receive its benefits.”

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