Conica invests in research laboratory

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How do athletes get better and reduce their risk of injury at the same time?

A unique research laboratory is currently being built at the Offenburg University of Applied Sciences. In the field of sports and motion mechanics, the "Advanced Motion Lab" is investigating the factors that contribute to athletes performing better and at the same time injuring themselves less. The project is led by Professor Dr. Steffen Willwacher, who has been conducting groundbreaking research in the field of motion mechanics for years and has already worked with top athletes such as Olympic champions Usain Bolt and Markus Rehm.

Prof. Willwacher’s focus is on the analysis of motion ­sequences and the resulting loads on biological structures (e. g. muscles and bones). His goal in the new laboratory is doing research on the interaction of people with environmental conditions. How do different properties of the environments - the ground, for example - influence the way people generate force?

There is a larger area in the Advanced Motion Lab: The Conica Track Testing Lab. The running track there is 60m long. That allows a sprint at full speed. To be able to research disciplines like javelin throwing, the research team can have nets set up to catch specially prepared javelins and balls. For the other disciplines such as high jump and long jump, mats are ­available to catch the jumps. All movements and attempts are tracked by many high-precision cameras. The technical equipment in the laboratory is among the best in the world.




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