For what is now the fourth time, the IAKS Germany's Annual Meeting exclusively for members was held in Berlin on 15 and 16 May 2019. The event focused on definitions, developments, innovations and challenges relating to leisure facilities.

Gruppenbild Jahrestreffen Berlin
Marktplatz der Begegnung

photo: IAKS Deutschland

Prof. Dr Robin Kähler, Chairman of IAKS Germany, welcomed those attending. Ayaan Güls, head of Press and Public Relations of the BAT Foundation for Future Studies, delivered a lecture on the future of leisure and stressed the importance of social media. Afterwards Kähler gave participants an overview of leisure facilities of municipalities and the private sector. Tom Jones, Executive Director at Populous Architects, presented strategies for combining sports facilities for competitive athletes and the general population.

In the afternoon of the first day of the event, two workshops were held simultaneously on the topic of leisure facilities from the points of view of indoor, outdoor and pool facilities.

The second day opened with a lecture by Helmut Ständer, Chairman of the DIN Standards Committee Sports Equipment (NASport). He concerned himself with the standardisation of leisure facilities and addressed the standards and rules for user safety.

On this day there were again two parallel workshops. Kähler and Dieter Sanden, former head of the Cologne Sports Department, jointly discussed how an urban open space can be turned into a leisure facility using the example of the Inner Green Belt in Cologne. Steffen Strasser, Executive Board member of IAKS Germany and owner of playparc, presented various play, sports and exercise elements for leisure facilities.

Workshop Tag 1

photo: IAKS Deutschland


photo: IAKS Deutschland

In the last programme block, the structure and current status of the WissensWERT database was presented by Julian Liebert, digitisation expert and Executive Board member of IAKS Germany. The day was rounded off by Eberhard Gienger, Member of the German Bundestag and 36-times German champion in gymnastics, who gave an outlook on sports and leisure facility policy. The final highlight was the tour of the Tempelhofer Feld and Gleisdreieck parks.

IAKS Germany wishes to thank those attending for their active participation and for the many interesting discussions and is looking forward to the next annual meeting for members.