As many as 660 pupils now attend the Rudolf Steiner School in Munich-Daglfing. As games are also an essential element of the teaching strategy of the Rudolf Steiner schools, the school management decided to supplement the existing sports hall with a new hall to accommodate the ever-increasing number of pupils.

In addition to intensive use for games lessons, the new hall is regularly hired out to sports clubs from the region in the evenings and at weekends. The dimensions are ideal for classic team ball sports, such as handball, volleyball and basketball. In the winter, indoor football is played at certain training times, too. The most striking feature of the hall is the bouldering wall at one of the ends, which is used enthusiastically by clubs and for school games.

Tried and tested many times over and in use worldwide, 360 square metres of HARO Sports Floor Berlin was installed in the new hall. The sports parquet was installed on a double-swing beam system using a proven installation method, which ensures the pleasant swinging of the floor. The floor therefore absorbs any kind of impact, yet will remain firm and resilient for years to come.

For the walls, the architects chose HARO Protective Walls Light 19, which absorb up to sixty per cent of the impact force, significantly increasing safety.

Around 260 square metres of wall space was equipped in this way – around half of it with the acoustically effective “low-noise” variant, in which the acoustic perforation effectively dissipates sound. This means that the new school gym is perfectly equipped for a wide variety of games, including competitive sports.

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Photo: HARO

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