The modular design of the McArena outdoor arena is now being expanded with an innovative tool: outdoor fitness equipment from PLAYPARC. The installation of permanently installed fitness equipment outside and in the roofed front area of the open-air hall creates a compact sports centre. With this extension, ball sports, fitness courses and other facilities are combined under a single roof.
In its evolution, sport is subject to a variety of challenges and changes. Our values relating to and expectations of sport and sports facilities have changed just as much as schools and school sports. Hovering above everything is demographic change and now the coronavirus pandemic. To respond to these trends, our sports facilities have to change radically. Small, neighborhood-based sports parks with the widest possible range of offers for all age groups are the future, meeting the desire for health and individuality. Trends like Calisthenics and bodyweight exercises will be brought outside.
High-quality sports facilities are becoming increasingly important, ideally roofed, but in any case in the fresh air. Open-air halls are popular with sports clubs, schools, kindergartens and informal groups. Adding a fitness trail to this offer also has the greatest synergistic potential: while the children play soccer in the hall, the parents can work on their fitness. This combination is also very promising from a safety point of view: these small sports parks are fenced in, illuminated and usually also supervised.

Image: McArena