In October, IAKS Japan had invited experts to give insights about “Places for health and sports” and the “Walkable City”.

The first online event entitled “Places for health and sports” was held on 22 October 2020. Mr. Moriya from the Japan Sports Agency introduced the „Sports Space Borderless Project“ which focuses on the utilization of existing facilities and the opening of private facilities for public use.

He was joined by LOSFEE Director Kiyohito Tamotsu who spoke about designing spaces and programmes to improve the use of spaces in difficult climate settings. More than 40 participants took part in this event and learned about optimizing facility usage.

2020 Webinar screenshot Places for health and sports
2020 Webinar screenshot Walkable city

The second online event dedicated to the “Walkable City” took place on 26 October. Mr. Tsukamoto from the Ministry of Territory, Infrastructure, Transport and Tourism shared the concept of „Walkable Cities“ highlighting the social needs and future possibilities of being able to walk comfortably in urban areas.

Next, Mr. Fukubayashi from Tsukuba Wellness Research talked about the „Smart Wellness City“ concentrating on town planning in rural areas to promote public health.  Prof. Tsukihashi from the Kobe University closed the event by presenting several Walkable City projects in Japan and Australia.  More than 40 participants enjoyed the information and learned about the impact of walking and planning to public health.