The European Waterpark Association (EWA) calls for a standardised regulations procedure for the re-opening of waterparks and spas to be put in place and made available to people as soon as possible. To achieve this, it has drawn up the following two-stage phase re-opening plan that it recommends governments and authorities to carry out. In addition, a checklist for pool operators has been compiled to systematically prepare the re-opening.

Stage Phase 1: Re-opening of waterparks and spas with reduced numbers of users

In stage Phase 1, the number of bathers admitted to a waterpark or spa at any one time is limited. The ideal parameter for the limitation is the number of available lockers, as this is already adapted to the size and maximum capacity (simultaneity factor) of the spas, and it is a very good way of managing restricted numbers. A maximum of 2/3 of the existing lockers may be used (only one user at a time). Counting is carried out using the cash register system or by the limited number of issued keys.

Stage Phase 2: Re-opening of waterparks and spas in normal operation

The simultaneity factor (the number of users present at the one time) is determined by the number of all available lockers. No more guests may be admitted than the number of lockers available.

Download: EWA Two-stage phase plan

Download: EWA Checklist

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