Denmark’s national dressage trainer, Princess Nathalie of Sayn-Wittgenstein-Berleburg, is sports flooring manufacturer REGUPOL BSW’s new advertising partner for equestrian flooring. The four-year contract was signed by the two parties at the end of June in Bad Berleburg, the home town of the former Olympic dressage rider and location of the REGUPOL BSW head office. At its site in Bad Berleburg, the company has been producing elastic paddock tiles, stable mats and a range of other floor surfaces and wall padding for the equestrian sector for over 40 years. The flooring is used in large stable complexes and private facilities all over the world. In Qatar, Barcelona and Sydney, horses are bred, reared and kept on elastic REGUPOL floors.

Princess Nathalie has also chosen elastic stable mats Made in Germany for her own stables near Bad Berleburg Palace. Here, the former dressage rider has been running a stud and training her own young horses for a number of years. “With the breeding, I’ve made a profession out of my passion and my hobby,” says Princess Natha­lie. “When I see how good my horses feel in their boxes, I know that in choosing REGUPOL equestrian flooring, I’ve made the right decision. You can’t beat this quality.”

The Bad Berleburg enterprise is also extremely pleased with their new advertising partner. “We’re very happy that Princess Nathalie has agreed to be our new partner for equestrian flooring. Her sporting successes, her passion for riding and her stud in our joint home town of Bad Berleburg are a perfect match for our products and our corporate policy,” says Lena Grosch, marketing coordinator at REGUPOL BSW.

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photo: BSW

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