Lokale og Anlægsfonden supports Søndermarkskolen on Frederiksberg with DKK 2.6 million to rethink their old gymnasium. This will provide the local community, pupils, associations and the self-organised sports community with completely new opportunities for exercise. There are almost 1,800 gymnasiums in Denmark. They are crucial for children and young people to be part of an active sports life. But they were designed in the 1900s, are worn out and do not offer the functions needed today.

The gymnasium is the most widely used indoor sports facility in Denmark. Søndermarkskolen in Frederiksberg will now be the first of a total of five schools in Denmark to modernise and rethink their old gymnasium. The gymnasium will be an informal meeting place for those who are not used to playing sports in their free time, a meeting place for the local community and associations. The sports hall also needs a new lease of life.

The project is developed in the campaign 'Old gymnasiums - new opportunities'. A partnership between Lokale og Anlægsfonden (Danish Foundation for Sports Facilities), Dansk Skoleidræt (Danish School Sports) and Dansk Idraetsforbund (Sports Confederation of Denmark).


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